Custom made or stock available for hire. REAL METAL and SUITABLE FOR CLOSE-UPS.
SELF SUPPORTING STAB EFFECT, real metal knives for film, TV and theatre use.
The standard set is a matching pair of knives, one in HALF with a BODY PLATE and one FULL size.
Suitable for:
-Stalking and threatening
-Staged stabbing
-After stabbing dying and staggering round (the knife holds upright on the body UNAIDED and HANDSFREE).
The full set if you need matching knives for a knife block in a kitchen scene. This includes one half knife with a body plate to match one knife from the set of your choice.
-As above
-Display in the kitchen to match
Just the knife at normal length not cut.
-Stalking and threatening
-Staged stabbing
All knives are metal with the ridged blade but FULLY blunt. They are impossible to cut skin with.
HOWEVER they are still a solid metal object and are to be treated with RESPECT and CAUTION.
A risk assessment will need to be provided, as well as a wavier for liability signed.
These are NOT suitable for violent fights as still metal and very hard.
They are safe for stalking, staged stabbing, and post stabbing staggering around etc.
Please CONSULT with your stunt coordinator before ALL STUNTS and FIGHT SCENES.
or email: