A Tudor Drama of Wit & Wile

All The King’s Fooles is a Tudor drama, consisting of six, forty minute episodes per season with three seasons outlined. Set in sixteenth century England in the reign of Elizabeth I.
The show stars Sarah Gordy as Jane Foole.
Jane was a real person, she is depicted the contemporary painting [ca. 1545] The Family of Henry VIII. She is positioned mirroring Will Sommers, Henry VIII’s famous jester and is likely to have been as important to the household. Very little is known about her life.
No flaw is hidden, every scar and limp is shown. Tudor London is dense, dirty and full of deception. This is the 16th century as never seen before, gone is the romanticism of the past.
This is a world where not just the ‘bad guy’ has rotten teeth and where a knife could fall into your back at any turn.
The show fleshes out Tudor London as it truly would have been, with many ethnicities and disabilities.
Pitch document and pilot script on request.
Attached to direct is Andy Hay director of 'The Last Kingdom'.
To learn more about Jane Foole see the documentary below.